TAGNOS Proximity Monitoring Solution

Regardless of Your Industry, Safety Matters

Physical Closeness Carries New Implications

The lessons from COVID-19 include not only healthcare pandemic preparedness, but also monitoring proximity and physical distance in the workplace. Employers must be able to address three critical questions before reopening and to remain open during a pandemic:

  • Should you consider opening?
  • Are recommended health and safety actions in place – such as hand washing, face coverings, intense cleaning, disinfection and ventilation?
  • Do you have ongoing monitoring in place to ensure social distancing and conduct contact tracing?

Proximity Tracking: Automated Enforcement

Proximity Monitoring

Analytics software combined with wearable devices provide social distancing tools so your workplace managers can automate social distancing guidelines

  • Deploy wearable IoT so TAGNOS can track in real time how closely employees follow social distancing protocols. The device application algorithm captures proximity data and sends it to the cloud.
  • The system logs Proximity Events when employees are in close proximity of one another for a time period of your choosing (e.g., 5 minutes). 
  • Visualize Proximity Events via a dashboard. The Insights and intelligence enable real time feedback and course correction of your employees’ social distancing behaviors. 
  • Proximity Events collected over time provide the data for Contact Trace reports.
Illustration of proximity contact showing people that may have come in contact with a disease

Contact Tracing: Identify Exposure Risks

Contact Tracing

Keep facilities safe by acting quickly on confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 through Contact Tracing. The TAGNOS solution provides visibility into which employees have been interacting in a way that increases their risk of COVID exposure.

  • The Contact Tracing solution provides accurate trace reports to help in determining possible co-worker exposure, if an employee is suspected of/or has tested positive for COVID-19. 
  • This automated solution allows managers to quickly de-risk a workplace and prevent outbreaks in ways that meet government and regional guidelines. 
  • Openly and accurately communicate facts to employees and ensure that compromised areas in your workplace can be properly sanitized. 
  • Benefit from multiple levels of intelligence including date, timestamps, location and duration of contact.
Zebra MotionWorks Proximity Contact Tracing visualization from Tagnos

Notifications & Alerts: Preventative Measures

Notifications & Alerts

Enforce social distancing automatically through real time notifications thanks to wearable devices equipped with the TAGNOS Proximity Monitoring solution which alerts employees to social distancing violations.

Real Time Proximity Alerts

If employees come in close proximity to each other for a length of time, the culprits and the managers will be alerted in real time.

Contact Tracing Dashboard

The web-based contact tracing report allows you to easily have a full view of possible worker exposures. It’s an automated solution that lets you efficiently identify the right individuals, saving time with high accuracy. Use the report to quickly see:

  • Multiple levels of employee contacts
  • Number of interactions
  • Total duration
  • Timestamp of each event

Configurable Engine

Easily adjust proximity distances and time intervals that trigger an alert as well as the violations that are logged in the dashboard. It’s that easy with TAGNOS.

Proximity Monitoring Dashboard Display for PCIA Event Report

Live Dashboard: Analytics and Reports

Live Dashboard

A web-based Dashboard allows managers to gather key insights on various time intervals. This provides managers with the tools they need to assess workplace safety and configure protocols to the specifications that best match their work environment.

  • The Live Dashboard displays employee proximity events in real time so that managers can course correct throughout the day. 
  • Configure the Dashboard so that social distancing protocols can be customized to match the needs of your workforce. 
  • The Dashboard analytics and reports allow for greater visibility into metrics such as where workplace violations are occurring, time of day they are most likely to occur, which employees have social distancing events, and other relevant intelligence.


RTLS in Healthcare: Comparing Real-Time Location Systems

Take a Deep Dive into an exploration of RTLS in Healthcare (Real-Time Location Systems). We walk through various types of RTLS technologies as they are applied in healthcare environments and pros and cons of each. As a bonus, we discuss potential combinations to overcome challenges single RTLS technologies might have.

Keep Your Business On-track

With the right information, you’ll be able to keep your business on track and everyone safe. TAGNOS provides real time situational awareness about your business, where and when you need it.